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Based on the Program of the 19th Congress of CCM and the Program submitted by the President of CCM, PhD Zhivko Mitrevski, the Presidency of CCM at its regular 14th session has determined the text of the Draft Social Progress Protocol in the country.

The Draft Social Progress Protocol in the Republic of Macedonia represents a strategic document and taking into account the fundamental constitutional principles of economic freedom and social rights, the proclaimed concept and commitment of the Republic of Macedonia as a social state, the concept of the social rights as defined in the European Social Charter, the fundamental ILO Conventions, the Constitution, the Labor Law, in the interest of promotion, implementation and improvement of the social and economic position of the workers in Macedonia, encouraging and promoting the employment process, the fight against social exclusion, improving and protecting the living and working conditions of workers, their education level, training and protection of workers' health, strengthening of the social dialogue, aimed at providing the fundamental importance of the social progress and its application, it proposes determination of several aims.

The Draft Social Progress Protocol in the Republic of Macedonia stipulates that CCM and the social partners, in the interest of achieving the European social model, shall proclaim and undertake implementation of joint activities aimed towards achieving social progress in Macedonia, which shall be directed toward further realization, promotion and protection of the socio- economic, legal, cultural and educational interests of the workers in the country.

The Draft Social Progress Protocol in the Republic of Macedonia shall focus particularly on the issue of further increase of the minimum wage in order a joint strategy for wage increase, boost growth, filling the gap between jobs and sectors, elimination of poverty, inequality and social exclusion to be properly prepared.

The Draft Social Progress Protocol in the Republic of Macedonia shall focus on the changes in the labor legislation that shall provide stronger provisions for collective bargaining and promotion of activities to improve the process of concluding collective agreements in all sectors at all levels.

The Protocol, in the interest of the security of employment, shall focus on solutions that the employment for an indefinite period of time, especially in the industrial zones, cannot be less than 30% of the number of employees with the employer. In this sense, the need to reduce the period of employment for a definite period of time from 5 to 3 i.e. 2 years is foreseen as well as providing additional benefits for greater financial security to workers during the period of unemployment.

The Draft Social Progress Protocol in the Republic of Macedonia shall focus on the opening of the process for establishing a joint Fund for the promotion of the social dialogue, drafting, signing, amendments in the CA, education and etc., by providing funds from the employers and employees to which the CA is applicable.

The Draft Social Progress Protocol in the Republic of Macedonia envisages activities of the social partners in finding and amending the appropriate legislation to provide opportunities for pension service (years of service with benefits) for those categories of workers that is needed and necessary and shall take action to ensure adequate mechanisms in the section of strengthening the activities in favor of enforcement of legislation related to the rights of employees and elimination of illegal behavior of some entities.

The Draft Social Progress Protocol in the Republic of Macedonia envisages joint activities for capacity building and educational concepts, as well as use of additional exemptions when using certain business fees and costs for implementation of the educational concepts of the unions.

The contracting parties who shall work jointly in the implementation of the Protocol have expressed their readiness and dedication to achieve the objectives and content of the Protocol in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation, respecting their own and social objectives, programs and positions and shall promptly inform each other in an coordinated manner on the dynamics and format of the realization of the Protocol.

The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia draws attention that after the adoption of the Protocol, this Protocol shall be submitted to all other trade union federations by the relevant bodies giving them an opportunity to be properly included in the realization of the Protocol.

The design of the website is supported by Promoting Social Dialogue
The Project is funded by the European Union, and implemented by the International Labour Organization.

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