Become a part of the union and make a significant change.

Trade union of the workers in catering, tourism, communal and housing economy, handicraft and protecting associations od macedonia (sutkoz)

12 Udarna brigade str. 2 a
1000 Skopje
Republic of Macedonia 

Tel.   00 389 2 3239-857

The Trade Union of the Workers in Catering, Tourism, Communal and Housing Economy, Handicraft and Protecting Associations of Macedonia represents the interests of 5 social areas.

Almost all employees in the respective branches are comprised in the three Collective Agreements signed by the SUTKOZ Trade Union. Those are the Collective Agreement for communal activities of Republic of Macedonia, the Collective Agreement for Protection Associations of Macedonia and the Collective Agreement for the Catering   of Macedonia.

SUTKOZ is a full member of PSI, EPSU and IUL.


Darko Dimovski


Programme (66 KB)
Statute (159 KB)
The design of the website is supported by Promoting Social Dialogue
The Project is funded by the European Union, and implemented by the International Labour Organization.

Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia © 2024 | All Rights Reserved.