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Organization and structure

The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (hereinafter named SSM) is an organisation in which the trade unions are affiliated on voluntary and democratic basis.  SSM unites and represents the common social, economic, and cultural interests of the affiliated trade unions.

SSM affiliates the following trade unions:

  • Trade Union of the Workers in the Agro-industrial Complex of Macedonia (AGRO Trade Union); 
  • Trade Union of the Workers in catering, Tourism, Communal and Housing Economy, Handicraft and Protecting Associations of Macedonia (SUTKOZ);
  • Trade Union of Civil Engineering, Industry and Design of Macedonia (SGIP); 
  • Trade Union of the Workers in Administration, Juridical Authorities and Citizens’ Associations of Macedonia (UPOZ); 
  • Autonomous Trade Union of Health, Pharmacy and Social Protection of Republic of Macedonia; 
  • Trade Union of Workers in Textile, Leather and Shoe Industry of Republic of Macedonia (STKC);
  • Trade Union of Industry, Energy and Mining of Macedonia (SIER);
  • Autonomous Trade Union of Workers in Energy economy of Macedonia;
  • Trade Union of Workers in Traffic and Communications of Macedonia (SRSVM);
  • Trade Union of Chemistry and Non-metals and Metals of Macedonia (SHNM);
  • Macedonian Police Trade Union (MPS);
  • Trade Union of Postal and Telecommunication Workers of Macedonia (SPTRM).
  • Trade Union of Workers in the Trade of Republic of Macedonia (SRTM); 
  • The Trade Union of Graphic, Informatics, Film, Publishing and Paper Production of Macedonia (GIFIH); 
  • Trade Union of Workers in Forestry and Wood Industry and Energy of Macedonia;
  • Trade Union of the Financial Organisations of Macedonia (SFDM);

SSM has a Working Programme.

SSM is autonomous and independent of the state bodies, employers, political parties, religious communities and other organizations.

SSM stands for establishing a social, legal and democratic state, social justice, solidarity, humanity and social and economic growth of Republic of Macedonia.

Workers become members of the trade unions on a voluntary basis.

For the implementation of their goals and tasks, the Trade Unions affiliated in SSM are establishing trade union network, which is regulated by their Statutes.

Trade unions affiliated in the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, are obliged to respect the Statute of SSM and to implement its decisions.

The Trade Unions’ Statutes and their other acts cannot be opposite to this Statute.

In the implementation of its aims and tasks, SSM uses all the means and forms of trade union struggle in the framework of the Constitution and the Laws of Republic of Macedonia, this Statute, and generally recognized standards and norms of the International legislation (Conventions and Recommendations), especially those relating to the implementation of the workers’ rights and their organizing in trade unions.

The name of the organisation is: Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia.

In the International communication, the Federation uses the name: Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM).

SSM is a legal entity.

The headquarters of SSM is in Skopje, boulevard 12 Udarna brigada, 2

The symbols of SSM are the sign, the arm and the flag. 

Aims and tasks of SSM

The basic aims and tasks of SSM are:

In the social and political area:

  • establishing and providing democratic, legal and social state; 
  • monitoring of the implementation of laws and other regulations referring the worker’s rights and  the collective agreements and implementation of the  international conventions, directives and other recommendations;
  • institutional implementation of the constitutional right to manage and  to participate in the decision making based on labour;
  • representing the common worker’s interests in the institutions of the system by direct participation or by submitting demands, initiatives, proposals and opinions;
  • implementation and improvement of educational, cultural and science interests of the workers.

In the economic and social area:

  • economic and material security and improving of the social and economic position of the workers, economic development, economic and social policy and salary’ policy;
  • determining of the collective bargaining at a country level;
  • participating in preparation of laws of the social and economic area through respective institutional forms of acting;
  • improving of the working conditions, environment and health of the workers;
  • protection at work and the rights acquired on the labour basis;
  • employment and material support during an unemployment period;
  • pension, disability, and health insurance;

In the trade union organizing and acting:

  • development of SSM as organisation of the affiliated trade unions;
  • establishing of a joint strategy of SSM’s activities;
  • development of mutual solidarity, unity, and coordination of the trade unions affiliated in SSM;
  • protection of the trade union rights and freedoms, and of the independence of the trade union movement;
  • application of means of trade union struggle, including the right to protest and to strike;
  • legal protection of labour relation through representing of the trade union members before the authorised courts and other institutions;
  • protecting against any kind of repression and discrimination, especially those based on nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender, political party or anything else;
  • development and implementation of trade union education and training;
  • development of an International Trade Union cooperation based on a joint platform;
  • development of the cooperation with the national and foreign trade unions;
  • providing transparency of the work and developing information activities and promoting of the trade union policy and activities in the public;
  • implementation of other mutual goals and interests.
The design of the website is supported by Promoting Social Dialogue
The Project is funded by the European Union, and implemented by the International Labour Organization.

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