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8th forum of pan-european regional council perc

Од денешната конференција: слични се предизвиците на синдикатите во Југоисточна Европа

Today and tomorrow, 24 and 25 October in Skopje in the hotel "Arka" is organized Eighth PERC Forum of Southeast Europe, which acts organized by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

The forum will discuss on the six topics on which unions expose their views and discuss strategies of action. They are: possible framework for development of new PERC program, the expectations of the unions in SEE for opportunities for action by PERC; reform of the pension systems in SEE countries and the position, views and challenges of trade unions. New project on tax systems, informal economy and corruption is the third topic.  Macedonian and Albanian Trade unions proposed the fourth topic -  modernization and reform of trade unions, the process of social dialogue and the role of unions in European integration processes.
During the next day World Day of Decent work will be discussed, as well as trade union responses and measures of SEE governments on the financial and economic crisis, topic proposed by the Union of independent trade unions of Croatia. The sixth topic is the participation of SEE unions in the democratic processes.

Representatives of the trade unions and other institutions of the region were attending the meeting. Republic of Macedonia was represented by Zivko Mitrevski, president of CCM, Rasko Miskoski, President of KSS and Slobodan Antovski, President of UNASM. The ITUC – PERC was represented by Secretary Grigor Gradev, Enisa Salimovic and Samra Kovachevic ITUC Office in Sarajevo. Marija Hadzhevacki of NHS Croatia,  Mladen Novosel of UATUC Croatia, Ljubisav Orbovikj of CATUS Serbia Branislav Canak – UGS Nezavisnost, Zoran Masonicic and Branko Gradashevic of CTUM Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina was represented by Ranka Misic of KSBIH, Albania  - Col Nicolas from KSSH Jani Koco BSPSH - Kosovo Arifi Hagi and Dafina Mehaj of BSPK and Michele Bertie of UIL. Foundation "Friedrich Ebert" that supported the meeting was represented by Fiht Roland, Heinz Bongarts and Milan Jeftic.

For 2012 two forums of ITUC - PERC are planned.

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The Project is funded by the European Union, and implemented by the International Labour Organization.

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