- Македонски
- English
On the occasion of October 23 - the Day of the Revolutionary Struggle of the Macedonian People, in the name of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, the president of the SSM, Slobodan Trendafilov, sends hearty congratulations.
For Macedonian workers and the Union of Trade Unions of Macedonia as their organization, this is an extremely significant Holiday. The fight for national freedom is also a fight for the realization of the centuries-old aspirations of the Macedonian workers for their social rights, basic labor rights, and against merciless exploitation.
Today, every worker and every citizen feels the benefits of the victory won for national liberation and social justice.
The aspirations to live in a modern, democratic society in which there is a wide space and opportunity for everyone to secure their existence with effort have been realized.
President of SSM
Slobodan Trendafilov