- Македонски
- English
On Europe Day, May 9, in the name of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) and the Union for Construction, Industry, and Design of the Republic of Macedonia (SGIP), we address you as the ambassador of the European Union in Macedonia with this Request with in order to point out that the Government, at the session held on Friday (05/05/2023), determined a draft of Laws which it submitted to the Parliament yesterday by abusing the European flag and which urgently scheduled a session for tomorrow to vote on the need to carry non-European values with European flag in Macedonia.
Individuals in the Government and several MPs are making an attempt by abusing the European flag during the passing of the Laws, using the European flag to violate democracy and violate workers' and human rights, and then use the excuse that the European Union demanded it from the Government, which with this move introduces working hours like 137 years ago which allows workers to be inhumanely exploited for 72 hours a week which is unprecedented on a global scale and a direct attack on the health and safety of workers.
With this decision, the Government behaves as non-European and does not care about the life and health of the workers, but only looks at its own interests and the interests of its strategic partners, sacrificing the workers and their families.
The International trade union confederation - ITUC, the European trade union confederation - ETUC, the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers - EFBWW, and Building and Wood Workers International - BWI strongly condemned the Government's intentions for this move, and the government's actions. they will also inform the European Commission about the same, that the Government of Macedonia, in the process of negotiations with the European Union, violates the basic postulates of human rights and labor rights and violates decent working hours as a civilizational benefit, thus introducing values in Macedonia as in the case with the construction of the stadiums in "Qatar" for the needs of the World Cup, for which several procedures are already underway, and the Government thereby wants to bring the case of "Qatar" to the heart of Europe, for which we expect a sharper reaction from you even today, on the day of Europe, May 9, which will send a clear message to the Government and MPs that the European flag and European principles and standards must not be abused, for the introduction of non-European values, non-European principles, and non-European standards in a European State such as Macedonia, which wants to become a member of the European Union in the coming period.
Delegation of the European Union, Skopje