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The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia calls on all employers, to comply with the measures provided by the Action Plan for Prevention of Heat waves when announced that in the coming days the whole territory of the country will be affected by extreme temperatures.

All workers working in high temperature conditions are exposed to heat stress. Heat stress is defined as a physical and physiological response of the worker to the temperature at which he or she is exposed to his or her workplace.

According to the Law on Occupational Helath and Safety at Work, the employer is obliged to provide appropriate working conditions that will not endanger the life and health of the workers.

It is of particular importance to establish appropriate measures to protect the health and lives of workers, especially the chronically ill, the elderly and pregnant workers.

The global health crisis and pandemic strongly emphasizes the importance of life and health, therefore even in these conditions of extremely high temperatures we need to preserve the health of workers and citizens, they are the drivers of society.

Employers, save the health of workers, they are your partners!

Workers, respect yourself, implement the measures for safety and health at work, and if that right has been violated feel free to report it to your union representative, the workers' representative for OSH and the State Labor Inspectorate!

Violation of workers' rights and rules for safety and health at work can be reported to the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia at: or phone number: 070 818 878.


The design of the website is supported by Promoting Social Dialogue
The Project is funded by the European Union, and implemented by the International Labour Organization.

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