- Македонски
- English
The Trade union of workers of administration, judicial authorities and NGOs - UPOZ proposes changing of the working time in public services in Macedonia. Instead of existing start of working time from 8:30 to 16:30 introduced in November 2006, UPOZ offers several options for earlier start of the working day.
The President of UPOZ Peco Grujovski held a press conference explaining the arguments for the initiative. The current working time is contrary to the traditional habits, culture and mostly to the family values. We believe that this government as Christian one pays great attention to tradition and family and therefore we expect of them to seriously consider this request.
A survey made among the membership in the public services showed that over 75 % of the employees do not approve the current working time.
Macedonia has very different geographical, climatic and natural conditions, while the most important aspect is the living standard.
The initiative is sent to the Government, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Macedonia, Ministry for Information Society and Administration of Macedonia, Economic - Social Council and CCM and especially to the branch trade unions of the public sector - said Grujovski.
President of UPOZ said he was pleased that social dialogue is promoted in the country, especially the functioning of the Economic and Social Council, so he believes that the initiative will be taken seriously.