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January 23, 2012 - conference of the project "anti mobbing network - mk"

Од декември 2010, кога ССМ и СФДМ ја отворија Канцеларијата, бројот на лицата што бараат помош постојано се зголемува
Starting from December 2010 when CCM and SFDM opened the Office for Mobbing victims, the number of people seeking help increases

On Monday, January 23, the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, at 11:00 will organize the First Annual Conference of the "Anti mobbing network - MK".

The conference will present the results of a survey on the situation with psychological harassment in the workplace, which was conducted in over 20 cities in Macedonia. It will also announce the results of one-year operation of the Office for assistance and education of victims of mobbing.

According to the Agenda at the Conference will speak Zivko Mitrevski, President of CCM, Goce Selovski, President of the Trade Union of Financial Services (SFDM) and Dimitar Stojanovski, Chairman of the Organisation of Employers.

In December 2010 CCM and SFDM opened the Office for assistance and education of victims of mobbing. The expert team of the Office maintains contacts with individuals who consider themselves mobbed and seek for help.

Among other activities of CCM on mobbing there is the training of 9 coaches and 80 anti-mobbing advisers, who were educated with the assistance of the Croatian experts.

SFDM was one of the holders of two-year regional Project "Network for health and safety at work", in which participated trade unions and other banking institutions from Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia. The regional project was funded by the European Commission - IPA pre-accession funds 2008 Civil Society Facility.

The design of the website is supported by Promoting Social Dialogue
The Project is funded by the European Union, and implemented by the International Labour Organization.

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