- Македонски
- English
The value of the union minimum basket for November 2024 is 62,021.00 denars, compared to the value of the union minimum basket for October 2024 which is 61,249.00 denars, it has increased by 772.00 denars. With a rented apartment of 60 square meters for November, it is 77,396.00 denars.
From the data on the value of the Union Minimum Basket, it is evident that someone is getting rich on the backs of citizens and workers, and does not respect the Government measures that are created to help citizens with low incomes.
The traders show that they have no social responsibility or respect for the Government, if we take into account that the value of the Union Minimum Basket in the food and beverage section, the day after the end of the Government measure, was increased again by 609 denars, and the total Union Minimum Basket by 772 denars and it is worth 62,021.00 denars.
The traders took advantage of the announcement of the previous measure by the Government and unjustifiably increased prices in September, which increased the value of the food and beverage section by 717 denars, with the measure there was a decrease of 965 denars, and today there is another increase of 609 denars, which impoverishes workers and citizens.
The value of the trade union minimum basket for November 2024, which amounts to 62,021 denars, compared to the Trade Union Minimum Basket from January 2024 (57,163.00) has increased by 4,858.00 denars, or 8.5%. For food and beverages, the SMK for November amounts to 22,678.00 denars compared to January 2024 (21,007.00 denars), an increase of 1,671.00 denars, or 7.9%.
SSM is already discussing with the Ministry of Economy and Labor regarding the creation of future measures, but it is necessary for traders to either show social responsibility or for the Government to be rigorous in dealing with such unfair trade practices and punish them when creating new measures.