Become a part of the union and make a significant change.

Ние се залагаме за почитување на сите права од работниот однос

Respect for human rights and freedoms

SSM fights for the respect of human rights and freedoms. Since the workers are always the weaker chain in the eternal conflict between labor and capital, the working power consists only in a strong trade union organization, in a strong international trade union movement and in a strong number of the membership. SSM believes that a constant struggle against the violations of the fundamental workers' rights and the basic human dignity must be a priority.

Rule of law, democracy and free market

SSM stands for rule of law, democracy and a free market.

The methods for achieving these objectives are: strengthening of social dialogue and social partnership, participation in decision-making institutions, collective bargaining, workers’ protection, international cooperation, education, membership and objective information to the public. Preferred way to achieve the objectives are negotiations and agreements with the social partners.

If negotiations fail to work than, industrial actions, including strikes have to be organized.

Duly registered employees

SSM fights for all workers to be duly registered in order to receive regular and decent salary. To achieve this aim the first step towards establishing employment should be the signing of the employment contract.


  1. Data on contractual parties;
  2. Date of commencing employment contract
  3. Job title and brief description of work duties
  4. Information on risk factors, if any, and on measures taken concerning the safety and health of workers;
  5. Place of performance of the work;
  6. Duration of employment
  7. Provision for full time or part-time employment
  8. Provision for daily or weekly working time and its distribution
  9. Amount of the basic salary expressed in money and benefits;
  10. Provision for salary compensations;
  11. Holidays and breaks (daily, weekly and annual);
  12. Stating the general acts of the employer in which the working conditions are defined;
  13. Manner and conditions of termination of employment and notice period;
  14. Other rights and duties stipulated by CA or another law (prohibition of harmful activity and compensation, the obligation of secrecy, competitive and competitive prohibition clause.

Regular and decent wage

  • SSM requires that all workers receive regular and decent salary.
  • Macedonian salaries are governed by laws and collective agreements:
  • Labor law;
  • Collective agreements;
  • Law on Salaries in Macedonia;
  • Law on Civil Servants;
  • Law on salaries of members of the Judicial Council of the Republic;
  • Law on salaries of judges;
  • Law on salaries of public prosecutors;
  • Law on salaries and other allowances of elected officials in Macedonia;
  • Law on salaries and other allowances of MPs in Parliament and other elected officials in the country;
  • Minimum wage legislation in Macedonia

Labor Law - Labor Law

-The right of the worker to earnings
(According to the law, collective agreement and employment contract).
-It is determined that wages are always paid in cash form.
-The law gives the structure of salary form:
    - basic salary
    - part of the salary for work performance and
    - allowances
-A possibility given by the employer to the employee to pay the 13th salary if the employer is able to pay.


Day of payment of salary

  1. The salary is paid for a period which may not be longer than one month.
  2. The salary is paid 15 days after the expiration of the paying period.
  3. If the date of payment is a day off, wages are paid not later than the first next working day.
  4. The employer is obliged to notify the worker in written on the payment date or of any change in the payment date.

Special payment of overtime and night work

The basic salary of the employee increases when an employee works in more difficult conditions than normal for a job:
A collective agreement is laying down the more severe working conditions than normal for certain jobs and the amount of increase on that basis does not depend on the salary of the employee, but is determined in a single amount for all employees who work in those difficult conditions.

When an employee works in conditions arising from the schedule of working hours, the base salary of the employee increases by hour at least for:

Overtime: 35%
Night work: 35%    
work in three shifts: 5%
work during weekends: 50%

  • For work during public holidays and non-working days established by law, employees are entitled to compensation of salary that belongs for those days they have not worked and wages for the hours spent at work increased by 50%.
  • The allowances are not mutually exclusive.
  • Right to increased compensation due to work in three shifts the worker can only accomplish by effectively spent time in shifts.
  • A worker's wages is increasing by 0.5% for each year of service.
  • In a case when food is not provided by the employer, or there is no organized transport to and from the workplace, the employer may increase wages in amount determined in agreement with the union.

Right to annual leave

Vacation - a cessation of physical and intellectual activities, job activities and functions of the employee during working hours.

Each employee is entitled to a paid daily, weekly and annual leave.


  • Break
  • Rest between two days
  • Weekly leave
  • Annual leave
  • Paid annual leave

A paid annual leave is a paid leave, for up to 7 working days due to justified personal family circumstances:

  • the marriage of a child - 2 days;
  • for marriage -3 days;
  • removal in the same city - 1 day;
  • moving to another city - 2 days;
  • adoption of a child - 2 days;
  • disaster - 7 days;
  • death of a grandparent - 1 day
  • death of a spouse or child - 5 days
  • death of a parent, brother, sister - 2 days
  • death of a parent of spouse - 2 days
  • examination for the needs of the employer - 3 days, and so on.
  • The days of the paid leave are maximum 7 days.

Payment of all contributions

SSM requires all workers to be properly registered and to pay all their contributions.

When calculating the salary it should be known that the person obliged for the payment of the salary contributions is the employee and those contributions are being calculated and paid by the employer on behalf of the employee in the calculation of the wages as a percentage of the gross salary.


Type of contribution Rate for 2010-2015 Rate for 2009
Mandatory pension and disability insurance 18% 19%
Compulsory health insurance 7,3% 7,5%
Additional contribution for health insurance in case of injury at work and occupational diseases 0,5% 0,5%
Compulsory insurance contribution for  Unemployment 1,2% 1,4%


Contribution for the insurance of the years of service being calculated with increased duration Rate for 2011-2015 Rate for 2010 Rate for 2009
12 months calculated as 18 months 9% 9% 9,5%
12 months calculated as 17 months 7,5% 7,5% 7,92%
12 months calculated as 16 months 6% 6% 6,33%
12 months calculated as 15 months 4,5% 4,5% 4,75%
12 months calculated as 14 months 3% 3% 3,17%
12 months calculated as 13 months 1,5% 1,77% 1,77%


The design of the website is supported by Promoting Social Dialogue
The Project is funded by the European Union, and implemented by the International Labour Organization.

Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia © 2025 | All Rights Reserved.