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The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia and the Republic of Macedonia this year mark a significant jubilee - 110 years of trade union movement and trade union organizing in the country.

A jubilee that is very significant in the struggle for labor rights and improving the labor movement in the country.

CCM is the most important part of this union's history whose activity represent a strong sign of unionism in the country.

CCM functions as the oldest, representative trade union and a social partner in the state and fights for realization of rights that contribute to the development of the economy as a basis for the overall progress of the society.

As an organization that acts in compliance with the Constitution, the laws, the European Social Charter, the fundamental conventions of the ILO and its own statutory provisions, respecting the priorities of workers’ rights, interests and needs, we do want to emphasize that we support all activities for economic development of the Republic of Macedonia, but we urge that the economic measures should be carried out at the same time with the measures that will ensure social security and social justice for all citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, in the direction of reducing the poverty and social inclusion of the vulnerable categories of the population.

CCM is committed to economic and social progress that shall enable:

- Improving the social and economic situation of the workers and citizens,

- Safe, realistic and sustainable jobs,

- Higher wages, higher minimum wages,

- Reducing poverty and social inclusion,

- Formalization of the informal economy,

- Better Labor law, protection and promotion of labor rights,

- Healthy and safe working conditions and protection on the environment,

- Harmonization of the national legislation with the European and international legislation,

- Non-discrimination and equal opportunities for citizens and workers,

- Stop for mobbing at workplaces,

- Promoting social dialogue,

- Better General Collective Agreement for the private sector and provision of labor rights in the Collective Agreement for the public sector,

- Social security, more conditions for retirement and stop to the increase of the pension age limit,

- Providing a vacation recourse for all employees in the state,

- Decent work for all!

 CCM is committed to promoting a union movement, strong, numerous and active trade unions.

We are aware that the strength and power of the unions lies in their number, organization and competence for professional, sustained and appropriate negotiation and promotion of the interests and the position of the workers.

Professional and unionized workers are the perspective of a trade union movement, which is an important link in the chain of the tripartite social dialogue as a creator of all strategies and policies.

Our priorities focus on the young people, representing the future of the trade unions as a basic driving force for the development and progress of the state.

We invite all workers to become part of the trade union movement, together we will be stronger, well organized and ready to respond to the challenges that remain in the struggle for the realization of labor rights and ensure the role of the trade union as a social partner and participant in the creation of the policies for economic and social development of the state.

Long live 1st of MAY, the International Labor Day!

The design of the website is supported by Promoting Social Dialogue
The Project is funded by the European Union, and implemented by the International Labour Organization.

Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia © 2025 | All Rights Reserved.